Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Name Game...

So Steve and I are still trying to pick a name for our unborn child that is due in 2 weeks... I'm feeling a bit frazzled!!! How could picking a name be so hard? Well, if it was up to me it wouldn't be hard at all because I have my favorite name picked out and it really hasn't changed since the beginning. Steve on the other hand does not share my clarity. It has been really hard working together to try and find names that we both agree on. Steve likes the more traditional names and I lean towards the more non-traditional. I know lots of you have ran into the same problem. I don't want to "ruin" my child's life by giving her too crazy of a name, but if it bothers some people that they miss-pronounce their names I can't relate... People say my name wrong surprisingly all the time and it doesn't bother me at all. So when I consider names I am just looking for something that feels right and Steve is looking for the safest bet. So that is where we are at now.... Just confused. I want her to have a name that we both love! If Steve doesn't love it, it won't work for me either. Now if we could just agree! I can feel the time running out! Thanks for letting me vent...


  1. I'm just waiting patiently! You'll probably name her after you have her. You'll see her beautiful face and a beautiful name will just fall into place! Can't wait to see pictures! I'm betting that Brit has the baby before you... just because you are due before her. Isn't that how it always happens? LOL We will see soon enough!

  2. It will help when you see her. She might just "look" like one name. Regardless, I love both the names you told me, so your little one is in luck!

  3. She'll be whoever she is, regardless of what you name her so don't stress! It's all good....

  4. We never knew what we were going to name our babies until they were born. It took me holding them and calling them by their name for a while to know I loved it. And just between you and me, wait until after you have the baby and Steve will have a much harder time disagreeing with you. Also, in today's world of names there is no such thing as a "safe" name. Mason gets called Nathan all the time, Brynn gets called Bryan, and multiple people have already spelled Miles name Myles. So don't worry about scaring your child. It's going to happen no matter what and she is going to be so stinkin' cute she will make any name you give her absolutely perfect.
