Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Word jumbalaya (lots of info put together that normally wouldn't go together but does in this one case but could still possibly not unless it does)

I will update this blog someday I keep thinking... It seems like time is getting away from me! I can't believe the last time I updated this was almost 6 months ago. I owe you all (meaning the 1 person that reads this) lots of updating. Not that so much has happened in the last 6 months, just work, Christmas, baby's being born, vacations, an ulcer scare, a funeral, more house remodeling, people visiting us, us visiting people, church callings, yard work, hanging out with friends here in Mesa land and reading books. Lots of reading. Okay, maybe we have been busy but thats NO excuse. We have a fan to please! (Ps. I don't recommend reading Water for Elephants, It's kind of like an "R" rated book and it was recommended to me by a lady in my ward)... What?!? Not even that great of a story. I will, however, recommend The Hunger Games series. Steve and I both finished those 3 books in record time. I really liked them but this is probably old news to most people. They have been out for a while and recommended to me about 10 times before I actually picked them up to start reading them. Maybe even by you...

I just ordered 5 more books from Amazon and i'm waiting patiently for them to arrive. I'm excited and always looking for more book suggestions so if you have any please, please, pretty please tell me! Whisper it in my comments section. Maybe we could even start a VBBC (virtual blogger book club)... Any interest?

Back to the point of this post... I hope that everyone knows we are doing great, and miss all of you that don't live in Arizona and hope that you are doing great too. (I kind of already know that you are since most of you update your blogs on a regular basis). More posts to come soon once I can decide what to post about first... Here is a belated Christmas picture to leave you with.

Merry Christmapril from Weston!


  1. Wow! I didn't realize I was the only person who read your blog. (ha ha ha!) So, if you are looking for some good books, I always have suggestions (my degree may be almost completely useless, but it does work for suggesting books!) What genre or genres do you like? And once I'm done teaching, I would love to do a book club, if you're interested...

  2. Yay a new post!!! And yes I want to join your virtual book club thing...and what books did you order from Amazon? And this weekend we will be having a long, deep discussion on the Hunger games...

  3. Good to hear you guys are doing well. For what it's worth, we would recommend A. Lincoln, Les Miserables, and Blink. Hope to see you guys sometime this year.

  4. its been forever!! keep the posts coming I read them! oh and virtual book club sounds awesome!!!
