That same visit as I was waiting to check out in line the guy in front of me was with his son that looked to be about 11 years old. When it was their turn to pay for the items the father asked the son if he could borrow some money to pay for his cigarettes that he couldn't afford apparently. The little boy took out some cash and sadly handed it to his dad. Then the boy paid for his own candy and they left. I can't help but feel incredibly bad for all of these people who are struggling right now. My heart goes out to the homeless man, I have no idea how he came to be without a home and most likely family as well. I have no idea why the cops were questioning him or what he did. I feel so bad for that boy with that kind of a father as an example to him and can't help but feel incredibly grateful for my loving supportive husband and family. I am so lucky to be at the place I am at now, I think I am too happy. Something is going to go wrong just because nobody can be this happy!
So that was my somewhat depressing circle K moment for today. Just so I don't leave you on such a negative note let me quickly tell you about a crazy pill popping patient that has been scamming doctors, pharmacies and her insurance company lately including the doctors I work for! The funny part isn't that she is crazy, or a compulsive liar or even addicted to pain killers. It's the lie she told us the other day that had me laughing. She told us first that her husband flushed her pills down the toilet so she needed to fill them early. Then when we where not giving in and filling her prescription she told us that she had "just forgotten" but she is actually leaving town tonight at 5:30 to go to a wedding in Utah! (how do you forget something like that)? She told us she is going be out of town for a few weeks and they do NOT have pharmacies in Utah so she can't fill her prescription there. "In order to find a pharmacy in Utah" she said "you have to drive more than and hour and a half." I laughed since I know Utah very well and asked her what city she was going to. She said Ogden. Has anyone ever been to Ogden? It's like the 2nd or 3rd largest city in Utah. That made me laugh. Sorry Ogdeners, no prescriptions for you I guess?!?!