Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Baby #2, I'm ready for you!!!

40 weeks!

So I started this post before Ivy was born... Just wanted to get it up here.

I wanted to document this pregnancy before I forget all about it (or at least try to) in the coming months after the baby comes. Not that it has been an incredibly difficult pregnancy by any means, just that I flat out do not enjoy being pregnant in general. I am grateful to be able to get pregnant and have babies, and I am so excited and nervous to meet new little baby Ivy (That is her name btw) very, VERY soon.

First trimester...

One word. Crappy
I do get pretty sick in the first trimester like most women do. I would say that I was able to manage it a little better this time around because I was able to be home and eat a snack anytime I felt ill. I also lost my appetite completely. NO food tasted good. The nausea part lasted a little bit shorter this time while my loss of appetite lasted a little longer. Nothing too crazy though.

Second trimester...

Very bearable.
I have done a few things differently this time around, one of them being work out! (I did not work out at all last pregnancy. oops). I feel like this has been the biggest difference. I have always felt like I have more energy and that I am a lot healthier. I would work out about 4 times a week during the second trimester. This slowed down a little in the third but I never stopped completely until a few weeks ago when I felt I needed to cancel my gym membership because Isla was not getting cared for properly enough in my opinion at their kidscare. I plan on signing up again at another gym once my 6 weeks after birth is up.

Third trimester...

Back to crappy.
In some ways I have felt amazing in my third trimester, because of the gym I'm sure. In other ways out of my control I have been way worse. I just seem to be getting every illness that I can think of. I think I already mentioned this but I got the flu, 2 viruses, food poisoning and currently a really bad cold/sore throat thing. Other than those things I have been verily good and comfortable up until a week ago. I am currently at 39 weeks! I have only gained 32 pounds (I gained about 48-50 last time). I am dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced... The doctor has stripped my membranes twice. Come on baby, I'm ready for you!

That's about it for the pregnancy. One thing that I am going to try and do this time around is have a natural birth (in the hospital). A home birth does sound appealing to me and if I was guaranteed a safe delivery I would do it in a heartbeat! I'm not high risk patient or anything, I just would never forgive myself if something were to happen at home. I understand things can still happen in the hospital but I feel a little safer there.

I have been listening to Hypno birthing CD's for the last few months learning how to relax during contractions. It has been a very pleasant experience and makes me look forward to giving birth. I feel like my last labor/ delivery was incredibly difficult and the thing that I remember most about it was not the pain, but the sheer exhaustion from being in labor so long and pushing for over three hours! I am hoping what they say is true about the second time going faster. I was also induced last time which I feel added to the length of time I was laboring since my body didn't do it naturally. Not that doing it "all natural" will make it any easier, I'm just looking for a different kind of experience this time around. Wish us luck!

(Future note: I totally caved and got the epidural)! Made me a much more pleasant person to be around.

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